Sundstrom & Mindlin, LLP has broad experience in public utilities, mergers and acquisitions, public and conventional finance, and general corporate matters. Our work in this area includes utility acquisition and finance, with a concentration in water and wastewater utilities.
We are counsel to investor-owned utilities, co-operatives and governmental clients, including cities, counties and Community Development Districts. Our expertise extends from negotiation and financing of utility acquisitions and divestitures to valuation and general counsel work. We also advise clients on utility regulatory matters, infrastructure issues, territorial disputes, contract and operational matters.
We have particular experience in eminent domain cases and utility system valuations, and we practice before the Florida Public Service Commission, the Department of Environmental Protection and the various Water Management Districts.
Highlights of our transactional work:
We have represented national water utilities on acquisition matters in other jurisdictions, and large landowners on the establishment and development of utilities serving their property.
We acted as buyer's representative and counsel to a coalition of local governments in the acquisition of the utility assets in many of the largest water and wastewater utility system transactions in the State of Florida.
We have acted as borrower's counsel in a large number of tax-exempt, industrial development revenue bond issues for projects throughout the state. We have also structured taxable bond issues and conventional financings for private borrowers.
We have established for-profit utility corporations, non-profit cooperatives, and advised clients on public private partnerships and non-profit corporations acting on behalf of local governments.
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